hectic but there's a satisfaction & fun time 4 us la...
my sis planned 2 visit uteh & family in bt. gajah. xtually, dat's mummy's plan. dh lame dh. so, sbg ank2 yg soleh & solehah (puji! jgn xpuji!) we ols tunaikn la & decided 2 go there during weekend. my bro's & family were't joining us coz they got s/thin' 2 do.
my 'sayang' decided 2 buy some ole2 4 uteh & family. so, we stopped @ ... ermmm... aiyakk! really forgot da name of dat place lorr... but, it looked like a pasar tani. tp, xbesh lgsung! plus, bnyk jual wet stuff, fruits & clothes. just bought kopok lekor, some fruits & fried burger (requested by angah, my cousin. instead of us, there's another 2 persons yg ikut, angah & ana. both r my cousin)
smpai umah uteh pon dh tengahari, sdg2 elok utk lunch. so, mummy & uteh decided 2 buy wet stuff @ market. my 'sayang' drive. @ 1st mmg very da lazy 2 join them. but then, as requested by my 'sayang', kugagahkn gak kaki nie utk menapak masuk lam kete.
aku xjoin da club wif mummy & uteh pon gi masuk market 2. just accompanied my 'sayang' lam kete. tggu pnye tggu pnye tggu... smpai thp k'buhshanan menguasai diri, my 'sayang' bought an ice cream & we ate it 2gether. sharing lg... ahaks...

~ pose gediks2 nie disnap pas 'melenyapkn' ice cream yg dibeli.

~ sgt gumbira woo... though it's pretty hot!
after lunch & performing zohor, sempatla layan vcd tajuk ape ntah... forgot la... citer klakar gilerla..! smpai nk t'cabut kidney aku gelak tau! my sis lg la, ilang trus kesopanan & kesusilaannye. gelak xhengat donia! dh thp mengilai pon ade gak aku dengor! klu maya karin & seantero pontianak t'dengor my sis gelak, cnfirm diorang resign jd pontianak! mkn ati jerk!!! muahaha...
we ols balik pas asar. on da way back, my 'sayang' ajak singgah kompleks b'sejarah pasir salak. aku on jer... fyi, though aku nie anak jati perak, tp, mmg xpenah jejak kaki kt cni. not even once! plus, i'm not da 1 yg interested when it comes 2 historical stuff. lawat2 museum bagai... mmg aku xminat! but, my 'sayang' is vice versa. so, layannn jer la...
unfortunately, dat place mmg xbesh! 2 me la... ngn located kt ceruk kampongnye... tp, dh alang2 smpai, kitorang nk la snap pic(s) skeping dua. aku ajak my 'sayang' singgah kt 1 port nearby pasir salak resort. nmpk cam ok jer 4 snapping pic(s).

~ @ tangga 'menuju puncak'! alaa.. cam af 2! ade cam af candidates x? ahaks... ooopppsss... t'sexy la plak! mase nie very windy. langit gelap. it's gonna rain soon i thought...

~ wif my lovely 'sayang'... scenery & cloud condition weren't a barrier 4 us 2 gediks2. muahaha...

~ wif mummy & angah. mummy mmg malu2 klu suh amik gambo kt public. tp, aku xkira! nk amik pic ngn mummy gak! ngeee...
btw, ade 2 lg pic(s) @ 'kapal si tanggagng'. tp, xleh nk upload. sgt tensen...! layan jer la ape yg ade, ek!
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