Pada 1 hari tu, aku jenguk blog Kak Jemah, terjumpa la entry pasal Benefiber nih. Buleh dapat sample free katanya... So, aku pun terus masuk website dia, isi2 form & tunggu sample free sampai depan pintu umah. Heh3...

~ 1 penghantaran sample dapat 2 sachets Benefiber.
"Benefiber Powder dissolves completely in water and is easily added to the things you normally eat and drink. Look for Benefiber Powder products in grocery, drug and mass merchandise stores near you.
Benefiber Powder gives you the freedom to add fiber to your diet any way you choose. Learn how easy it is to mix taste-free, non-gritty Benefiber Powder into the things you normally eat and talk to your doctor about how to get more fiber into your diet.
Unlike most other bulk fiber powders, Benefiber Powder is grit-free and non-thickening.
Benefiber Powder is taste-free, so you can add it to your beverages or meals without altering the taste.
Add Benefiber Powder to beverages† (hot or cold) or soft foods that you normally eat. With Benefiber Powder, you have the freedom to take your fiber any way you choose.
The American Dietetic Association recommends that a healthy diet include 20–35 grams of dietary fiber daily from plant foods. Yet, Americans only consume about half of the recommended daily amount. Benefiber Powder can help supplement your daily fiber intake easily and naturally. Each serving of Benefiber Powder provides 3 grams of soluble fiber. And for your convenience, Benefiber Powder is available in various sized canisters and premeasured stick packs for individual servings.
†Not recommended for carbonated beverages.
Use only as directed."
Benefiber ni adalah produk Novartis. Kalau nak tau lebih lanjut pasal Benefiber nih, buleh la click sini. Berbaloi2... ;)
ada gak dpt ni. free. tp x cuba lagi. sedap ke?
1st time dengar tentang mende ni..
dia bknnye rase hape2 pon. powder.. means, klu buh dlm minuman xterasa sgt la..
good to try la.. cubalah! ;)
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